Customize your way
Add a personal touch to products with engraving, embossing, and a variety of design or custom text options.
Create an unique & beautiful cover in
less than 5 minutes.
Discover our collection of 52 free cover engraving templates designed to give your personalisation a stylish edge, far beyond simple text. The templates can be used for albums and boxes.
edit the template in Canva
download it as a pdf
upload it as "your design" in our ordering panel
So many designs to choose from
Let your products shine
Choose from 4 metallic colors: gold, silver, rose gold, or copper. Embossing is available on selected covers.

Bring out the unique character of the cover or wood
The color of the engraving depends on the cover it's applied to (it cannot be chosen or changed). This gives each cover a unique character. Remember that the physical sample book is the most accurate representation of the material's color. Engraving is available on selected covers.

Craft your offer with our free Album Guide
Send your clients a beautifully designed PDF to let them fall in love with your albums, and help them understand available options. Take advantage of Canva template by customising it by adding your logo, text or your own pricing. (easier than you think)